Concord Origin Story: Rim Kiruthu

In the world of comic books, origin stories inform the reader of the identity and motivations of heroes and villains (thankfully, we only have the former here). Like Spider-Man or Captain American, your origin story is important as it defines who you are today. Learn about the experiences, people, and influences that shaped Concord's Rim Kiruthu by reading below! 

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Where did you grow up?

Kenya and Eritrea.

What is your favorite family tradition?

When I was younger, my family would travel to Lake Naivasha in Kenya every New Year's and spend the day exploring the area. There were always hundreds of flamingos by the lake, and they were beautiful to watch. Now, my husband and I have a tradition of going on a New Year's Day hike. 

Who has had the greatest influence on your life? 

I have been influenced the most by my parents. 

How did you end up in your current career?

I took a quantitative analysis class where a professor hosted a SQL-based competition. I had never heard of SQL prior to that class or knew much about how a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) operates, but I was hooked after that! After the class, I continued learning about the various programming languages, data analysis, and database management systems. The rest is history!

What is your favorite food?

Al pastor tacos.

What is your favorite hobby?

I really enjoy hiking, but biking and weight lifting are very close behind. I am also a huge foodie and enjoy cooking new recipes.

When was a moment you felt most accomplished?

The most salient moment is when I graduated from undergraduate school. There have definitely been many more rewarding accomplishments since, but earning my degree signified much more than simply graduating and moving on to the next chapter. My parents sacrificed a lot so that my sister and I could come to the U.S. to further our education. They were over the moon when we graduated, and I've always considered my first degree a way of thanking them for everything they did.

What advice would you give your younger self? 

I would definitely tell my younger self to relax and enjoy being fully present. I was always focused on what I had accomplished and what I wanted to do next.


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