Panelists HCR 5.3 (1)

Healthcare - Consumer Experience

Consumer experience is more than just consumer satisfaction.

Concord's Health Care Roundtable shares the latest insights from consumer experience influencers in the industry.

On May 3, Concord’s Health Care Roundtable hosted a panel on Consumer Experience & Healthcare. The three featured panelists were Mark Hansberry, Chief Marketing Officer of HealthPartners; Kelly Lindberg, Vice President of Experience Design at Optum; and Scott Robertson, Senior Director of IT at Delta Dental of Minnesota. They provided great insight on the current consumer experience trends in healthcare and the direction they see things heading.

The Latest in Consumer Experience

  • Artificial Intelligence is generating a lot of buzz, but greater advancement is needed to pick up cues normally identified in person.
  • Gaining insight from other industries, like retail, helps advance healthcare's consumer experience efforts and shape the interactions consumer's have come to expect.
  • A hallmark of the future is anticipating consumer need and going beyond just analyzing the relationship for satisfaction on key components.

Virtual Care is (Still) Trending

  • Virtual care and transparency have been hot topics for the past five years, but their potential is only scratching the surface.
  • Virtual care platforms like VirtuWell and Zipnosis provide cost savings and great efficiency to their consumers, while simultaneously leaving space available at clinics for those truly in need.
  • Predictive analytics and physician education will help guide consumers to the appropriate care platform for their specific needs.

Relationships & Population Turnover

  • The healthcare industry is often seen as a revolving door with respect to population turnover, but the industry is moving towards building stronger relationships with members.
  • The trick is learning how to engage members on the periphery and create greater stickiness while monitoring those with rising risk.
  • Consumers crave for people to know their story - layering in consumer data will allow the relationship to develop more richly.
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